【斑马博士捷报+专业解读】HKUST MSc Business Analytics 香港科技大学商业分析硕士
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近期咨询 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology(HKUST)MSc Business Analytics 香港科技大学商业分析硕士这个专业的客户非常多,所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology(HKUST)MSc Business Analytics 香港科技大学商业分析硕士这个专业的录取数据,并附上详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

录取参考:双非,经济学本科,均分89, GRE 325, 四段实习 (上市公司财务部、 毕马威税务咨询、银行、 证券公司),学生会副主席、学校Women in Business 协会的创始人。

OFFER展示: Hong Kong University of Science & Technology(HKUST)MSc Business Analytics 香港科技大学商业分析硕士

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology(HKUST),MSc Business Analytics, 香港政治经济学院商业分析硕士

院校介绍:HKUST,全称:The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,香港科技大学,AACSB和EQUIS双重认证,QS世界排名#30

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology(HKUST)MSc Business Analytics 香港科技大学商业分析硕士专业介绍

查询网址: http://prog-crs.ust.hk/pgprog/2018-19/msc-ba

专业解读:The Master of Science (MSc) Program in Business Analytics aims to meet the increasing demand for business analytics professionals. It provides students with strong knowledge of business analytics by bringing together a wide range of knowledge in applied statistics, information management, optimization, and modeling.The program focuses on teaching students how to make good use of information and business analytics knowledge for building data-driven strategies, enhancing performance and facilitating evidence-based discussion for problem solving. It develops students’ business analytics competency and hands-on experience in solving real business problems in various areas such as finance, marketing and healthcare. With theoretical and practical foundations in business analytics, supplemented with its techniques, students will be capable in integrating business communication, business analytics, and business decision making process in various business scenarios and domains.

必修课程:Consumer Privacy Management in the Information Economy、Big Data Analytics、Introduction to Business Analytics、Visual Analytics for Business Decisions、Business Analytics in R、Social Media and Network Analysis、Business Modeling and Optimization、Simulation for Risk and Operations Analysis

以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的这个专业相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)Jason (电话/微信:13816118458)免费咨询 。