【斑马博士捷报】康奈尔大学Cornell University Master of Engineering(MEng)工程学硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得康奈尔大学Cornell University Master of Engineering(MEng)工程学硕士录取!

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了康奈尔大学Cornell University Master of Engineering(MEng)工程学硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。


offer展示】康奈尔大学Cornell University Master of Engineering(MEng)工程学硕士



康奈尔大学(Cornell University),该校是美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一,著名的常春藤盟校八成员之一。

2021U.S. News美国最佳大学排名中康奈尔位列第18 ,2023QS世界大学排名第20。




We have a longstanding focus on teaching excellence and groundbreaking research, supported by exceptional laboratories and libraries. Our dynamic culture of innovation and our particular strength in cross-disciplinary collaboration are enhanced by the open, engaging interactions among the members of our community – faculty and students alike.


We choose the members of our community with great care, realizing that each has an impact on the others. We select faculty who are able to make breakthrough contributions to the world’s body of knowledge as well as to advance students’ learning and graduate students who demonstrate promise of success.


If you are considering applying to our Ph.D., M.S., or M.Eng. degree program, we encourage you to explore the many graduate fields available to you. These fields cut across disciplines and are based on shared interests among faculty—one of the ways we cultivate our unusually strong culture of innovation. We also encourage you to learn about the individual faculty members (Faculty Directory) who share your particular interests.


By earning a graduate degree from Cornell University’s College of Engineering, you will find yourself exceptionally well positioned for a rewarding career in research, academia, or industry. In addition to your Cornell credentials and the professional experiences we help you gain, you will have access to expert career center and a lifelong connection to one of the largest and most active alumni networks in the world.


We hope you will consider sharing the next phase of your journey here with us.(摘录自官网)






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