【斑马博士捷报】诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham MA Education教育学硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham MA Education教育学硕士录取! 

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham MA Education教育学硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

offer展示】诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham MA Education教育学硕士


【院校介绍】 诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham,简称UoN),被称为“诺大”,是一所公立研究型大学。是罗素大学集团创始成员、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟成员、Universitas 21创始成员、米德兰兹创新联盟创始成员和Sutton Trust 13成员。诺丁汉大学的药学院在2021年QS大学专业排名世界第5位 ,2023QS世界大学排名第114位。



Our MA Education allows you to consider education in all of its complexity, as something that both reflects and works to construct different aspects of our social lives and the way our society is organised.

This course aims to strengthen and refine your ability to critically reflect upon your own teaching. You will engage with contemporary theories in education and examine how you might apply them to the practice you carry out. It is ideal for those who are looking to take the next step in their career within the education/teaching sector.

We have designed a course that is extremely flexible and meets the needs of individuals and organisations. These include: 

§ a range of optional modules - tailor your degree to your personal and professional interests

§ different modes of delivery - taking account of individual needs and professional contexts

With an advanced education degree from the University of Nottingham, you will graduate with all the knowledge, practical skills and confidence to pursue your career goals.





Education MA - University of Nottingham


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