【斑马博士捷报】爱默生学院Emerson College Master of Arts in Strategic Marketing Communication(SMC)战略性营销传播硕士录取+7000美金奖学金!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得爱默生学院Emerson College Master of Arts in Strategic Marketing Communication(SMC)战略性营销传播硕士录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得爱默生学院Emerson College Master of Arts in Strategic Marketing Communication(SMC)战略性营销传播硕士录取! 

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了爱默生学院Emerson College Master of Arts in Strategic Marketing Communication(SMC)战略性营销传播硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。



offer展示】爱默生学院Emerson College Master of Arts in Strategic Marketing Communication(SMC)战略性营销传播硕士




【院校介绍】爱默生学院(波士顿)创立于1880年,早期是一所教授公开演讲辩论的小型学校。长久以来,爱默生学院(波士顿)以其拥有专业领先地位而享有口碑。在1980年,爱默生学院成为全美首先提供写作与出版研究课程的学校。在1991年,爱默生学院首先提供学童戏剧的课程,并且成为最先颁发戏剧、艺术、演讲辩论、大众传播和新闻学位的学校之一。同时,它也是新英格兰地区第一个设立FM教育台及close-circut的电视广播工作室的学校。 爱默生学院是美国唯一一所专致于信息交流艺术和人文科学背景的综合性学院。学校可提供被新英格兰院校协会所认可艺术和信息传媒学位项目。多年来该学校已发展成为国际公认的多元化学院,学校设有通信、市场营销、通讯科学、新闻、表演艺术、视觉艺术和媒体以及书面文学和出版等学院,可授予学士、硕士学位。



Emerson’s Strategic Marketing Communication MA (SMC) prepares you for a career in one of the nation’s fastest-growing fields, marketing and communications. Our program is flexible and allows you to choose between three marketing focuses to build your Master's program around your career goals. 

Our SMC program prepares you for a diverse range of careers in marketing and communications on both the agency side and the client side, giving you the unique opportunity to apply your marketing skills to any industry including technology, healthcare, entertainment, finance, education, and more.




Curriculum Requirements | Emerson College



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