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Offer展示】理海大学Lehigh University MBA program工商管理硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,理海大学,Lehigh University, MBA program,工商管理硕士 


理海大学(Lehigh University)由实业家艾萨·帕克(Asa Packer)创校于1865年,是美国一所历史悠久的私立研究型院校,爱国者联盟成员,位于纽约以西75英里、费城以北70英里的宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒。

理海大学是全美顶级的研究型学府之一,非常重视本科教育,采用小班授课并推崇跨学科研究,每个班级平均27名学生,有80%班级的学生人数少于35人,师生比为1:9 。学生跟教授交流的机会很多,也大大提高了教授对学生的关注程度。在2021年《美国新闻与世界报道》中,理海大学全美综合排名为第49位 ,2018秋季入学的录取率为22%,并被列为入学筛选度最高的大学之一。该校先后有680名教授及校友被授予诺贝尔奖,普利策奖,富布赖特奖学金及成为美国艺术与科学院院士和美国国家科学院院士等殊荣。




The Lehigh one-year, full-time 1-MBA program is designed for professionals who wish to either pivot their careers toward a business-related area, which may not be in their previous field of employment, or accelerate their career growth within their chosen field. Its rigorous curriculum includes the functional areas of business and embraces the shared value model that recognizes various stakeholders in today’s high-tech, modern societies.

The one-year duration of this full-time, cohort program model, when compared to the traditional two year MBA full-time model, significantly reduces the opportunity costs of those who forego their current employment to attend.






One-Year MBA Program Curriculum | Lehigh Business




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