【斑马博士捷报】剑桥大学University of Cambridge MAST in Mathematical Statistics数学统计学硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得剑桥大学University of Cambridge MAST in Mathematical Statistics数学统计学硕士录取!



offer展示】剑桥大学University of Cambridge MAST in Mathematical Statistics数学统计学硕士

 斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,剑桥大学,University of Cambridge, MAST in Mathematical Statistics,数学统计学硕士




【学校介绍】剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),位于英国剑桥郡,是一所公立研究型大学,采用传统学院制,属于罗素大学集团,全球大学校长论坛 ,全球大学高研院联盟,国际应用科技开发协作网及剑桥大学医疗伙伴联盟成员 ,衍育了科技聚集地“硅沼(Silicon Fen)”,被誉为“金三角名校”、“G5超级精英大学” 。







This course is an application stream for the Master of Advanced Study (MASt) in Mathematics; students should apply to only one of the application streams for this course.


This course, commonly referred to as Part III, is a nine-month taught masters course in mathematics. It is excellent preparation for mathematical research and it is also a valuable course in mathematics and its applications for those who want further training before taking posts in industry, teaching, or research establishments.


Students admitted from outside Cambridge to Part III study towards the Master of Advanced Study (MASt). Students continuing from the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos for a fourth-year study towards the Master of Mathematics (MMath). The requirements and course structure for Part III are the same for all students irrespective of whether they are studying for the MASt or MMath degree, or whether they applied through the Applied Mathematics (MASA), Pure Mathematics (MASP), Mathematical Statistics (MASS), or Theoretical Physics (MASTH) application stream.


There are around 280 Part III (MASt and MMath) students each year; almost all are in their fourth or fifth year of university studies. Each year the Faculty offers up to 80 lecture courses in Part III, covering an extensive range of pure mathematics, probability, statistics, applied mathematics and theoretical physics. They are designed to cover those advanced parts of the subjects that are not normally covered in a first-degree course, but which are an indispensable preliminary to independent study and research. Students have a wide choice of the combination of courses they take, though naturally, they tend to select groups of cognate courses. Examples classes and associated marking of (unassessed) example sheets are provided as complementary support to lectures.(摘自官网)







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