【斑马博士捷报】康奈尔大学Cornell University (M.Eng. ORIE) in Data Anaytics concentration录取(选了financial engineering concentration 被waitlist, 后来被调到data analytics concentration)!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得康奈尔大学Cornell University Master of Engineering in Operations Research and Information Engineering(M.Eng. ORIE) in Data Anaytics concentration运筹学与信息工程学工程数据分析专业硕士录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得康奈尔大学Cornell University Master of Engineering in Operations Research and Information Engineering(M.Eng. ORIE) in Data Anaytics concentration运筹学与信息工程学工程数据分析专业硕士录取(选了financial engineering concentration 被waitlist, 后来被调到data analytics concentration)!




 Cornell ORIE专业, Stem, 2-3学期课程(看背景匹配度决定program长短)


    Applied Operations Research (AOR)

    Data Analytics (DA)

    Financial Engineering (FE,有一个学期在纽约曼哈顿校区读)

    Information Technology (IT)

    Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (MIE)

    Strategic Operations (SO)

Systems Engineering Minor


concentration可以看出,非常多的应用场景,从数据分析到信息技术到制造工程,再到系统工程,金融工程,这些行业都会涉及到运筹学的问题,即通过统计、预测学、建模来预测不确定性,从而实现expected goals,比如系统优化、风险预测与规避、 工业/商业决策, 核心就是通过技术手段来实现optimization。


ORIE 先修课程: linear algebra、engineering probability and statistics、intermediate-level computer programming (C, C++, Java, or Python)


Financial Engineering concentration 的额外要求: Two semesters of calculus-based probability, statistics, and/or stochastic processes, An introductory finance course, differential equations, Proficiency with R and/or Python


要求: 最低GPA 要求2.7,不强制有工作经验, GRE Optional, 1 academic statement of purpose (1000字内),  personal statement(1000字内),2推荐信,CV, Video interview (主要问你的background、 reason for applying,职业目标、 why u are suitable,可能还会问你这个行业最近发生的大事)  托福:100+(Writing 20, Listening 15, Reading 20, Speaking 22)


虽然要求2.7+就能申请,但是康奈尔明确说了,他们不设置固定的录取分数线,录取需要综合考虑学生的综合履历,往年录取的学生GPA 都在3.0+.



offer展示】康奈尔大学Cornell University Master of Engineering in Operations Research and Information Engineering(M.Eng. ORIE) in Data Anaytics concentration运筹学与信息工程学工程数据分析专业硕士offer(选了financial engineering concentration 被waitlist, 后来被调到data analytics concentration)!

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,康奈尔大学,Cornell University, Master of Engineering in Operations Research and Information Engineering(M.Eng. ORIE) in Data Anaytics concentration,运筹学与信息工程学工程数据分析专业硕士 



【学校介绍】康奈尔大学(Cornell University),又译作“康乃尔大学”,主校区位于美国纽约州汤普金斯县伊萨卡市东北部 ,是美国境内的一所私立综合类研究型大学,为常春藤联盟成员校、国际大学气候联盟成员校、美国公立与赠地大学协会成员校 、美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一 。康奈尔大学位列QS世界大学排名(2024)第13名,位列软科世界大学学术排名(2023)第12名,位列U.S. News美国最佳大学排名(2024)第12名。





Despite being Cornell Engineering’s most popular graduate program with over 900 students enrolled at any given time, the M.Eng. is not as universally common as other degrees, and many misconceptions remain. A quick Internet search will yield message boards filled with fallacies about the degree.


“The only difference between M.S. and M.Eng. is a couple courses,” incorrectly wrote one user on a Reddit thread attempting to distinguish a Master of Science (M.S.) in engineering from an M.Eng. “The M.Eng. is kind of in limbo between undergrad and grad education,” guessed a user on another message board, while a third person replied: “I don't think you'll be allowed to do research-related jobs if you graduate with an M.Eng. Correct me if I'm wrong.”


Correction: While none of those statements are accurate, the truth is it’s difficult to define what an M.Eng. degree entails because each college—and even each department within a college—offers a slightly different experience. Not all M.Eng. degrees are created equal.


Another reason for the confusion surrounding the degree may lie in its history. All undergraduate programs at Cornell Engineering had been five-year bachelor’s programs until initiatives such as the Higher Education Act of 1965 put pressure on the college to offer a four-year program that would qualify students for new federal subsidies such as loans and Pell grants.


So in1966, the first Cornell M.Eng. degrees were awarded. Two semesters, 30 credits, one degree. At the time, it was still viewed by many as a fifth undergraduate year—a way for students to take classes they couldn’t squeeze into their first four years or to continue exploring different areas of study because they didn’t yet know what they wanted to do for a career. That notion has long faded in the 51 years the M.Eng. has been offered at Cornell.


“Now we have really shifted into students deciding to do this to make a big investment in their future, and they come here because they expect to get something different from the M.Eng. degree,” said Matt Ulinski, a senior lecturer and M.Eng. program director for the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.


So what is the M.Eng. degree? For all intents and purposes, the main difference between an M.S. in engineering and an M.Eng. is that the M.S. is intended to be more research-focused and used as a potential stepping stone to a Ph.D. or research position, while the M.Eng. provides more technical and practical skills that enhance a student’s marketability to employers. “For me, it’s a professional degree program, and it’s a path to advanced-level work in industry,” Ulinski put simply.


But to truly understand everything the degree has to offer, one must take a deeper look at any of the M.Eng. programs offered by Cornell in 15 different engineering fields. Whether it’s aerospace engineering, computer science, or operations research, the value proposition remains the same: The M.Eng. is a real-world, industry-focused engineering experience customized to meet a student’s specific goals and interests, all packaged with an invitation to the powerful and vast Cornell alumni network.(摘自官网)









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