【斑马博士捷报】佩珀代因大学Pepperdine University(PPD) Master of Science in Applied Finance(MSAF)应用金融硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得佩珀代因大学Pepperdine UniversityPPD Master of Science in Applied Finance应用金融硕士录取!



OFFER展示】佩珀代因大学Pepperdine UniversityPPD Master of Science in Applied Finance应用金融硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,佩珀代因大学,Pepperdine University(PPD), Master of Science in Applied Finance(MSAF),应用金融硕士 


【院校介绍】佩珀代因大学(Pepperdine University),简称PPD,2022U.S. News美国最佳大学排名中,佩珀代因大学位列全美第49名。


【专业解读】Stand out as an innovative finance professional that can identify new opportunities to improve an organization's economic stability. Through an holistic, experiential approach, the Pepperdine Graziadio Master of Science in Applied Finance (MSAF) readies you for a competitive finance-related career with a strong conceptual foundation in areas such as business valuation, equity analysis, financial accounting, and investment banking. Our STEM-designated curriculum led by senior industry experts will prepare you to successfully complete the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam.


Want to further elevate your career for long term success? Apply your MS in Applied Finance towards core MBA requirements to earn an MBA in as little as 15-months. Through an optional fourth trimester internship practicum, you'll be able to leverage your learning and thrive professionally in real-world business situations.(摘录自官网)






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