【斑马博士捷报+专业解读】香港中文大学Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)MA Global Communication 全球传播硕士
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近期咨询Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)MA Global Communication 香港中文大学全球传播硕士这个专业的客户非常多,所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)MA Global Communication 香港中文大学全球传播硕士详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

录取背景: 211,传媒专业,GPA 3.3,托福 100,挑战杯,挂名论文一篇,实习2段(报社、广告),校园活动丰富,志愿者

OFFER展示:Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)MA Global Communication 香港中文大学全球传播硕士

Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK),MA Global Communication ,香港中文大学全球沟通硕士

院校介绍:CUHK、全称:Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学,AACSB认证 、 QS世界排名#46

Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)MA Global Communication 香港中文大学全球传播硕士专业介绍


专业解读: M.A. in Global Communication required courses focus on theoretical training in globalization and communication phenomena, such as global media streaming, transnational migration, media formats and the dissemination of practices or social advocacy and new technologies.Electives enhance students' practical skills in new technologies, public relations, journalism or social advocacy, focus on Hong Kong and China and look at local issues from a global perspective。M.A. in Global Communication  work in media, education, non-governmental sector, management and research after graduation.

必修课程:Globalization and Communication、Applied Communication Research、Communication in Intercultural SettingsSeminar in Communication Theories.


以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的这个专业相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)Jason (电话/微信:13816118458)免费咨询 。