【斑马博士捷报+录取参考+专业解读】The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK )Master of Social Science in Public Policy香港中文大学公共政策社会科学硕士
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近期咨询The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK )Master of Social Science in Public Policy香港中文大学公共政策社会科学硕士这个专业的客户非常多,所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK )Master of Social Science in Public Policy香港中文大学公共政策社会科学硕士这个专业的录取数据,并附上详细的专业解读,供大家参考



OFFER展示:The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK )Master of Social Science in Public Policy香港中文大学公共政策社会科学硕士


学校介绍:CUHK,全称香港中文大学, AACSB认证 ,QS世界排名#49

专业解读:MPUP should serve as the hub and engine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to promote education, research, and engagement in public policy from an interdisciplinary perspective with local, regional and global impacts.As a result, MPUP is fully committed to educating and grooming future leaders in the region and the world who create and apply theory-guided and empirically-based knowledge to better serve the society and enhance policy-making.(摘录自官网


Public Policy Process

Values and Ethics in Public Policy

Social Policy Research

Economic Analysis of Public Policy


 以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的关于Columbia University MS Enterprise Risk Management哥伦比亚大学企业风险管理学硕士这个专业相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询 。
