【斑马博士捷报】全美法律专业排名#6 New York University (NYU) LLM Traditional LLM 纽约大学传统法学法律硕士
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近期咨询 New York University (NYU) LLM Traditional LLM 纽约大学传统法学法律硕士这个专业的客户非常多,所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了 New York University (NYU) LLM Traditional LLM 纽约大学传统法学法律硕士专业解读,供大家参考。

OFFER展示: New York University (NYU) LLM Traditional LLM 纽约大学传统法学法律硕士

New York University (NYU), LLM Traditional LLM, 纽约大学传统法学法律硕士

院校介绍:NYU ,全称New York University 纽约大学,美国新常春藤联盟成员,US NEWS# 30.

New York University (NYU) LLM Traditional LLM 纽约大学传统法学法律硕士专业介绍


专业解读:Traditional Master of Laws are not limited to a specific number of classes in one field, and they have the freedom to choose courses that match their interests.  Those pursuing the traditional Master of Laws can still take a good number of international classes while focusing their studies in other areas. Students also have the option of expanding a typical research assignment into a master’s thesis, culminating their training with a significant scholarly work. 


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