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恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获伦敦大学国王学院 King' s College London(KCL) Religion, Politics & Society 宗教,政治与社会专业的录取!所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了伦敦大学国王学院 King' s College London(KCL) Religion, Politics & Society 宗教,政治与社会专业详细的专业解读,供大家参考.

【OFFER展示】 伦敦大学国王学院 King' s College London(KCL) Religion, Politics & Society 宗教,政治与社会专业

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,伦敦大学国王学院 ,King' s College London,KCL, Religion, Politics & Society ,宗教,政治与社会专业

【院校介绍】KCL,全称:King's College London,伦敦大学国王学院,英国金三角名校,罗素集团成员,SES-5成员,QS世界排名#23




Study Skills

Introduction to the Sociology of Religion

Introduction to the Anthropology of Religion

Introduction to Religion & Politics

Introduction to Islam

Introduction to Jewish Thought & Practice

Introduction to Buddhism


Elements of Ethics

Introductory New Testament Greek with Texts

From Machiavelli to Bodin: Renaissance & Reformation Political Thought

Thinking about Evil

Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion

Introduction to Modern Christianity & Culture

Introduction to Early & Medieval Christianity & Culture



Religion in Different Social & Geo-Political Contexts: Anthropological Perspectives

Religion in International Relations

Leadership in Religion & Politics

Modern Islam I: History & Politics

Religious Differences: Jewish, Christian & other Perspectives


An Introduction to the Doctrine of the Person of Christ

Intermediate Greek with Texts

Paul in Context

Religion, Culture & Society in Reformation Europe

Ritual in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

Salvation & the City: Christian Faith & the Arts

Applied Ethics

Philosophy & Film

Religion in Different Social & Geopolitical Contexts - Anthropological Perspectives

New Testament Greek & Exegesis A

The Bible in Modern Imagination

Theological Themes of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

‘What is Christianity?’: Patristic Perspectives

Between Revolutions: British Christianity 1689–1860

Faith & Enlightenment: Philosophies of Religion from Anselm to Kant

Buddhist Ethics

Introduction to Biblical Hebrew



The Anthropology of Dreams, Visions and Shamanism

Religion, Politics & Global Media

New Religious Movements in Global Perspective


Varieties of Religious Experience: Christianity in Britain 1850–1970

Anthropology of Dreams, Visions & Shamanism

The English Reformation

Exploring New Testament Theology I

Hebrew Texts – Prose

Special Questions in Social Ethics

Principles of Systematic Theology

Contemporary Thought in the Muslim World

Law & Ethics in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

Women & Gender in the Bible

European Jews & the Orient

Contemporary Theology & Philosophy

The Search for Meaning

Philosophy of Religious Life

Theravada Buddhism

Theology, Vulnerability & Culture: Shakespeare & Modernity

Independent Study Project , which should be in the study of religion from the perspectives of anthropology, sociology or politics

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